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We need you!

The past year has been a massive one for our Kaimahi for nature crew. Creating an Eco-sanctuary is so much more than just planting some trees and setting some traps. In the past year the team built a tunnel house to grow native seedlings. They weeded over 270 ha’s of land.  Over 8km of tracks were maintained or newly built. Over 11km of fences were looked after. Over 1400 possums, rats, ferrets, weasels  and stoats were trapped. Over 8km of tracks were maintained or newly built.

And in just one year 16,121 trees were planted! We are fortunate to be kaitiaki (guardians) of the entire Allandale stream catchment, ki uta ki tai (from the mountains to the sea). One of our main focusses with our native planting is to complete protection and stop any further erosion of this catchment, encouraging a resilient waterway for native aquatic species to thrive again.

If you would like to get involved and help create an Eco-Sanctuary please get in touch by emailing

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