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Parent/Child Camp Opportunity with Parenting Place

23 November 2018
Parent Child Camp

The Parenting Place are running a parent/child camp at Living Springs.  This camp is open for general registrations and Living Springs are more than happy to promote this to our community. Camp dates November 30 – Dec 2. Here is some information on it if you are keen.  The rates are highly subsidised, only $100…


First Living Springs Father & Sons Camp

13 November 2018

Had a great weekend with all the fathers and sons that came out to participate in it. We had loads of fun competing in Minute to Win it Challenges, trying our newest activity Mountain Boarding, going down our Adventure Stream late at night and a whole lot of other great activities. Hopefully this blossoms into…


Latvian Centenary Celebrations

12 November 2018

2018 marks 100 years since the proud Baltic nation of Latvia declared Independence and last weekend saw a series of festivities taking place in this southern most Latvian outpost. Approximately 50 people traveled from across New Zealand to camp in this setting above Lyttelton Harbour.  The weekend activities included a series of walks, treks, archery,…


The Bellbirds Chime In

06 November 2018
Mou Bpct At Living Springs

Recently we were privileged to be one of the key signatories of the  Banks Peninsula 2050 Predator Free Initiative and Living Springs was featured on TVNZ One News on Sunday Nov, 4.  You can here the report here Along with key personnel from DOC, Ecan, Christchurch City Council, Banks Peninsula Iwi, Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust…


A big thank you to St Johns Youth

05 November 2018
St John Youth

Living Springs enjoyed hosting St John Youth for their Regional Competitions 2018. It was a large group of over 200 young people plus leaders. We had amazing feedback and very much value the partnership we have with St John Youth and many other Community and Health groups in Canterbury and NZ. Living Springs is all…


International Motorcycle Trial returns to Christchurch

29 October 2018
Nz Trial Champs

The were held at Living Springs over Labour weekend with competitors from NZ, Australia and Oceania.  Hosted by the Pioneer Motorcycle Club in conjunction with the NZ Trial Championships and MNZ and MA, it was the first time for over 30 years that an international Motorcycle trial was held in Christchurch.  It was Trans-Tasman rivalry…


Taking Living Springs Wellness to the people of Canterbury

24 October 2018
Living Springs Wellness App

Living Springs is launching its own wellness app which will have a positive impact on the residents of Canterbury. App users will take part in an 8-week wellness challenge, starting February, during which they will have access to dietitian-approved meal plans, educational content, Personal Trainer-designed exercise advice and programmes, and a community forum to connect…


St James at Living Springs

17 October 2018
Initiatives 2

Living Springs was happy to host St. James Primary School to camp this week. This is the third year in a row that St James has been to school through the support of Aorangi Sponsorship Programme. Dublin Street Trust has been a generous donor to this cause and has supported St James each year. Other…


Living Springs Holiday Day Programme

05 October 2018
Living Springs

If you are a working parent and need to find a holiday programme, Living Springs are running a DAY programme Dec 17 – 21.  Just to make it easier for you, we are putting on a bus to pick campers up at 8:00am in town and return again at 5pm everyday.  Morning tea, lunch and…


Plan Ahead and Book Now

01 October 2018
Corporate Christmas 1

Book now for your Christmas work function at Living Springs!!  Call Michelle 329-9788.  For those of you who have been handed the task of trying to book a unique, fun, end of year work do, think of Living Springs.  We have put together a sample programme of what your event could look like, but we…

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